About Me

I'm Teodor and I'm currently living and working as a full-time manager in UK. I'm enjoying gym, cars, music, games, programming, traveling.... I had decided to change my carreer. My passion for coding started with VBA. I liked the idea of writing code, which is changing the perspective of how the things can get done. Then I had decided that I will start exploring other languages.Then few years ago I did my first free course about coding - the basics HTML and CSS. It was interesting, but it was quite far from the things I want to do. Then I caught up with my work for few months. Sometime later I decided that I'll start learning again. Then I went for JavaScript, it was just for few weeks. Then moved to C++, I gave up. I wanted to learn coding, but everything was so confused...I watched few youtube videos and then I realised that I need a lot of time. And now I'm working only 3 days a week, so I can code. I have a lot of ideas, that I'll turn into real projects.


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